Spark Creativity: 8 Exceptional Animated Ads

Spark Creativity in Your Team with These 8 Exceptional Animated Ads

Spark Creativity in Your Team with These 8 Exceptional Animated Ads…

When it comes to creating effective marketing content, there are a variety of strategies and mediums that can be employed. However, one method that is often overlooked is animated marketing videos. While some people may associate animation with online content or content specifically designed for children, the truth is that animated commercials can be highly effective for any platform or target audience.

There are numerous reasons why animated marketing videos can be so successful. For one, animation allows for a greater degree of creativity and flexibility when it comes to visualizing complex ideas or concepts. Additionally, animated commercials often have a unique and memorable visual style that can help them stand out in a crowded advertising landscape.

In order to better understand the potential of animated marketing videos, it can be helpful to examine some successful examples. Here are 8 animated commercials that showcase the power of animation in marketing:

Spark Creativity in Your Team with These 8 Exceptional Animated Ads:

1. Exceptional Animated Ads - Premium Zen

Spotify, a popular music streaming platform, has recognized that youngsters make up the majority of their user base and decided to target an older demographic. To achieve this, they have created a Premium Zen video advertisement that explicitly targets an older market segment right from the start.

The advertisement features the popular song “True” by Spandau Ballet, which was a hit in the 1980s. This song selection aims to appeal to people who are 50 years old or older, who may have grown up listening to this genre of music. Spotify has also incorporated a character that matches this niche to further connect with their target audience.

This advertisement challenges the common belief that animation only works with younger viewers. By incorporating nostalgic elements and targeting a specific age group, Spotify hopes to capture the attention and interest of an older audience. The use of music from a bygone era may also evoke feelings of nostalgia and connection to the past for this demographic.

Overall, the Premium Zen video advertisement by Spotify is an attempt to expand their user base and reach a new audience. By intentionally targeting an older demographic, they are hoping to show that music streaming is for everyone, regardless of age.

2. Exceptional Animated Ads - Play with Oreo

When you create a commercial that is specifically intended to run on cartoon networks, it becomes necessary to make sure that your advertisement is outstanding, colorful, and funny enough to captivate the attention of viewers who are already exposed to a plethora of content that possesses similar qualities. Additionally, it is important to consider that children have shorter attention spans than adults, which makes it even more challenging to find effective ways to reach them.

Fortunately, Oreo managed to come up with an ingenious concept called “Play” that not only resonates with young audiences but also appeals to adults, since Oreos are a product that people of all ages adore. Keeping this in mind, Oreo produced a video entitled “Play with Oreo,” which uses smooth transitions, vibrant colors, and engaging characters to attract even the most hard-to-reach viewers.

The video advertisement was a massive success, and Oreo went on to collaborate with various graffiti artists to create wall art projects that exemplify the idea of play. This collaboration helped to reinforce the “Play with Oreo” concept and broaden its appeal to audiences beyond the animated advertisement.

The Oreo animated ad is truly fantastic and serves as an inspiration to creatives who are seeking new and original ideas for creating animated advertisements for children. With its unique blend of humor, vibrant colors, and engaging characters, the “Play with Oreo” video demonstrates the power of creativity and innovation in advertising.

3. Exceptional Animated Ads - A Million Dreams

Advertising can be an effective means of enhancing brand authority by showcasing the values, vision and positive attributes of a company. Huawei, a Chinese multinational technology company, has successfully employed advertising to demonstrate its commitment towards social and environmental issues, in addition to showcasing its technological prowess.

Huawei’s advertisement, “A Million Dreams” is an excellent example of this strategy. The ad not only highlights the company’s technological capabilities, but also portrays Huawei as a socially responsible organization that cares about people and the environment.

The advertisement features a tiny robot that guides the viewer through various locations where Huawei technologies are helping people improve their lives and tackle environmental challenges. The ad’s visuals are captivating and complemented by a wood grain texture, which aligns with the company’s message of promoting environmental sustainability.

By showcasing its commitment to social responsibility, Huawei creates a positive emotional response in the viewer, thereby enhancing brand reputation and association. The advertisement leaves a lasting impression on the viewer, who is likely to associate Huawei with its social and environmental values and expertise.

In conclusion, advertising can be a powerful tool to enhance brand authority, and Huawei’s “A Million Dreams” ad is a shining example of how this can be achieved by showcasing a company’s values, vision and positive attributes.

4. Exceptional Animated Ads - A Can Size for Every Aussie!

Have you ever wondered why certain advertisements stick in your mind longer than others? It’s not just about the product or service being sold. It’s about the story being told. Stories are an integral part of our lives, and they have been used for centuries to connect with people emotionally.

When you hear a good story, you subconsciously visualize yourself in that story. You become a part of it, and it becomes a part of you. This is what makes stories so powerful. They create an emotional connection that is hard to break. And this is precisely why advertisers use stories to sell their products and services.

The power of storytelling lies in its ability to tap into our emotions. When an advertisement tells a story that resonates with us, we feel connected to it on a deeper level. We are more likely to remember it, talk about it, and even share it with others. All of this translates into brand loyalty and increased sales.

However, it’s not enough to simply tell any story. It has to be a good story that captures the viewer’s attention and makes them feel something. One example of a great advertisement that uses storytelling is “A Can Size for Every Aussie!” This advertisement tells a heartwarming family story without any obvious mention of selling something. The story is so captivating that it has gained over 73 million views on the internet, not including exposure on TV.

The success of this advertisement lies in its high-quality visuals and captivating story. It’s a little movie that draws you in and makes you feel like you’re a part of the family. This is the kind of advertisement that people remember and talk about long after they’ve seen it.

In conclusion, stories are a powerful tool that advertisers use to connect with their audience emotionally. A good story can make people feel connected to a brand or product on a deeper level, leading to increased brand loyalty and sales. So, the next time you’re creating an advertisement, take inspiration from “A Can Size for Every Aussie!” and create a captivating story that your audience will remember for years to come.

5. Exceptional Animated Ads - Always Working on our Happy Meal

Over the past several years, the quality of animation has undergone significant changes, with improvements being made day by day. Despite this constant evolution, however, there are still some animated advertisements from McDonald’s that were created 8 or 10 years ago that look just as impressive as newly released animations. These ads feature incredibly smooth transitions, well-considered color schemes, and stylistic decisions that have stood the test of time.

McDonald’s has produced many Happy Meal videos over the years, all geared towards children. However, with their latest video, “Always Working on Our Happy Meal,” they are targeting a different demographic: parents. By focusing on this particular group, they are showcasing the effort that goes into creating an ideal and natural environment that offers better and healthier options for kids.

To bring this message to life, the creators of the video utilized stop-motion animation techniques, which serve to enhance reality and make the message more impactful. Every tiny detail of the video is carefully crafted to strengthen the overarching message that McDonald’s is committed to constantly improving their Happy Meal offerings.

6. Exceptional Animated Ads - Catch

When it comes to discussing animated advertisements, it’s impossible not to mention the unforgettable Coca-Cola “Catch” video. The Coca-Cola polar bears made their first appearance in the brand’s advertisements in 1993, in an animated commercial titled “Northern Lights”. These beloved characters were later featured in the 2012 Super Bowl ad, which became an iconic animated ad known as “Catch”.

The “Catch” ad is an animation that portrays the shared experiences and meanings associated with sharing a bottle of Coca-Cola. The animation is expertly paced with Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, making it an entirely captivating experience. The ad recreates the emotions of celebrating happy moments together, making it a memorable piece of advertising.

Coca-Cola has been around for many years, and it’s evident that the company enjoys incorporating animated commercials into their marketing strategies. As such, we can expect to see more excellent animated content from Coca-Cola in the future.

7. Exceptional Animated Ads - Rock, Paper, Scissors

This particular video that we are discussing is a significant component of an anti-bullying campaign that has been initiated by Android. Although it appears to be more like a social campaign that aims to raise awareness about the issue of bullying, it becomes clear towards the end of the video that it indeed has a marketing angle to it.

The video presents a simple yet effective illustration of the classic game of rock, paper, and scissors. It utilizes this simple game to convey a much larger and more profound message about the importance of being different. Throughout the video, it is apparent that the company wants to showcase the human side of its brand and make people understand that embracing differences is vital.

The presentation of the company’s standpoint on the issue of bullying is done in a truly heartwarming manner. Every frame of the video has been crafted with immense care and attention to detail, ensuring that it leaves a lasting impression on the viewer. Even the most cynical and skeptical individuals would find it hard not to be moved by the company’s message and the manner in which it is presented. All in all, the video is a remarkable achievement, both in terms of its messaging and its execution.

8. Exceptional Animated Ads - Self Credit - Build Your Credit

Crafted in the realm of 2D motion graphics, this financial video by Self is a masterful demonstration of effective communication in just a mere 20 seconds. With its captivating yet minimalistic design and a simple yet compelling introduction to complex financial services, the video is an inspirational masterpiece that delivers its message flawlessly.

2D animation is a versatile medium that offers a vast array of creative possibilities for motion artists. It provides them with the freedom to experiment with various textures, styles, and movements, enabling them to create visually stunning and engaging content. The popularity of 2D animation for creating animated ads is on the rise due to its cost-effective and time-efficient production compared to other animation styles such as 3D or stop-motion animation.

Therefore, if you’re pondering over which animation style to choose for your TV advertisement, 2D motion graphics is undoubtedly an option that should be on your radar. Its limitless creative potential, coupled with its affordability and efficiency, makes it an attractive choice for businesses looking to create compelling animated ads.

Final Words:

In this article, we have given you complete information about Exceptional Animated Ads. We hope this article was useful for you. If you have any questions, ask us at the bottom of this article.

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